Improve sepsis
outcomes with SPOC.

Sepsis Processes of Care (SPOC) by WellSpan Health empowers health systems to save lives and improve outcomes with advanced sepsis monitoring, recognition and treatment.

SPOC was created because people expect high quality, safe healthcare—and better treatment.

The Surviving Sepsis Campaign shows that early recognition, appropriate stratification, and timely adoption of evidence based interventions support optimal clinical outcomes. By applying the right care for the right diagnosis within the recommended time frame, patient outcomes are improved immensely. All this improves evidence-based bundle compliance.

Out-of-the box alerts and electronic tools used by most health systems aren’t good enough. With SPOC, your health system can deliver best-in-class sepsis care, realizing improved outcomes and lives saved.

Earlier Diagnosis & Stratification

SPOC provides early recognition and more accurate diagnosis of sepsis. With SPOC, screening time decreases and documentation improves. Both of these factors support more accurate coding. SPOC will reveal more accurate stratification of simple sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock cases.

Evidence-Based Care

When patients are diagnosed faster and more accurately, they receive appropriate care and their chances of readmitting are lower. They get better faster, and mortality rates are lower. Survival rates improve with clinically improved outcomes. Length of stay also goes down.

More Accurate Documentation

Better and quicker diagnosis and more accurate coding will improve clinical care, supporting better reimbursement and enabling your health system to achieve quality incentives. In addition, your health system will improve evidence-based bundle compliance as well as publicly reported measures and patient care DRG payments.

Engaging and implementing
SPOC is easy.

Let’s talk to determine the level of support SPOC can provide to your health system. SPOC is designed to offer a full scope of services from education, training and workflow design to a full service behind the scenes outsourced solution.

Custom Alert Algorithm & Order Set Logic

SPOC features a custom algorithm—focused on unique factors—that triggers alerts when a person may have sepsis. Then, custom order set logic is deployed to treat the person. SPOC does not use the out-of-the-box Epic algorithm. The custom algorithm and its components may be licensed from SPOC.

Central Alert Team (CAT)

SPOC pairs the algorithm and orders sets with a highly-trained experienced registered nurse team that monitors alerts and ensures that people get the care they need in the proper time frames. Outsource your CAT to SPOC or engage SPOC to train your health system to stand up your own CAT.

Training & Education

With implementation of the SPOC algorithm and order sets; and engaging the SPOC CAT or creating your own, engage the SPOC team to create workflows that work with your organization to better deploy treatments and save lives. You may also engage the SPOC team to consult and provide guidance as you tackle your own sepsis improvement initiatives.

Sepsis Processes of Care.

Sepsis Process of Care (SPOC) leverages humanity via digital tools to improve treatment of people with septic symptoms. With SPOC’s algorithm—based on clinical effectiveness—care teams are alerted to people with septic symptoms earlier. These alerts go both in the people’s electronic health/medical record (EHR/EMR) and to a Central Alert Team (CAT). Through the CAT, the severity of people’s symptoms is more accurately diagnosed and stratified, enabling better clinical decision making around selecting order sets. The CAT monitors septic people over time and ensures timely administration of care.

SPOC helps health systems to improve bundle compliance, to more accurately code septic cases and therefore receive better reimbursement, to reduce average screening time, to improve quality incentive earnings, to reduce readmissions, to improve observed:expected mortality rates and to shorten hospital stays

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